A bit about me

I am a woman in my 40’s (born 12-7-68) from Boise Idaho. I am an artist, a writer, a crafter, a liberal, a giver, a decent person, I am an Eclectic, a mix of Goth, bohemian, geeky nerd artist.

I am married to and madly in love with a man 16 years my junior (shhhh dont tell him he thinks I am 25…JK) I try to live my life to the fullest, I love to spend time talking to a wide variety of people and hanging out with my friends doing all sorts of things, watching movies, having coffee or going out to clubs though I dont drink for health reasons.

I enjoy people who have a dark sense of humor and weird outlook on life yet manage to be positive overall, I despise having other people’s unwanted drama dumped on my lap because for some reason people feel the need to drag me into their drama.  I am always willing to listen to a friend who needs me but I find many other people are just looking for an audience.

I am a geek/nerd and I enjoy webcomics, role playing games (World of Darkness games, Vampire, Changeling and Werewolf) and I enjoy odd little gadgets.

Everything in my life is in flux, I am changing all the time right now, I had Duodenal Switch Weight Loss Surgery on April 24th 2010 to help with the arthritis that has caused me trouble for years now. I am trying to redefine myself and I am not sure who I will be in the coming years.  I have lost over 240 pounds before and after surgery which is changing a lot about my body and how I deal with the world.  I also have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and I am finally realizing that many of the things I have spent years hating myself for thinking they were due to being fat and lazy is related to much maligned and little understood illness that I have had for going on 30 years.  I go in and out of remission with this illness and have good times and bad.

A little about what I like:

MUSIC: I am Goth and I Love all types of Goth music, I also really love Blues Music and some Techno and industrial music and a little bit of most everything else.  By the same token when I really dislike a song or artist I have no patience for them

MOVIES: I adore action adventure and intelligent comedies, I also like movies that are a bit strange and really make you think like Inception.  I will watch and sometimes enjoy some “chick flicks” and a few “teen comedies” but most of them are so stupid I can’t stand them.

TELEVISION: I dont really watch television and actually have an aversion to most of it because I know how easily I can be sucked in and lose hours of my day to worthless shows.  I do like a few very intellegent shows like LIE TO ME, BONES, the CSI and NCIS shows as well as CASTLE.  I watch these on line.  I really despise reality TV though there are documentary programs I like.

BOOKS: I love Mysteries, comedies and odd romances as well as Sc-Fi

ART: I love doing art, I paint, I craft, I make jewelry, I do Art Journaling and Art trading cards as well as other forms of art. I will do art pretty much anywhere and have done Art Journaling in coffee shops, bars and at my gym.

I have a LOT to say and twitter a lot.  I hope to start adding some of that to this blog

3 responses to “A bit about me

  1. Hi T’rina nice to meet you i am Sharon and congratulations on your surgery & wight loss.

  2. you are the winner for the Feb giveaway email me your address and I will pop the cards in the mail to you!!!


  3. you won the giveaway at IA go see and then email me your addy!!

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