Tag Archives: challenge

50+ projects (ideas) for 2012

Craftster.org has a craftalong section where people list 50 crafts they want to do in the coming (present) year and then you can check them off as you go along.

I figured it would be easier to keep track of them here as well than just on a forum that will eventually grow to be over 500 pages long.

So my goal is to not only update when I finish projects but also blog a lot of them so wish me luck…

Here is my list for 50 project ideas for 2012

Finished  (how many are done)

(WIP)Work In Process

$$$ Items I will sell/Vend

%%% upcycling

50 project ideas for 2012
1.   100% reorganized Craft Room and Supplies (progress 30-35%) https://artinmybag.wordpress.com/i-will-be-organized-damn-it/

2.   Finish Rose Queen/Thorn King Costume wire and bead Crown for me and Alex (by 1-8-12)%%%WIP Pictures SOON

3.   Clove and rice cloth trivets/hot pads  %%%

4.   Prep all pages for Question Me Art Journal pages – finish filling out at least 15 pages

5.   Embroider paper cover for Question Me Art Journal (save for finished journal)

6.   At least 12 full pages in my other Art Journals

7.   More German Christmas Spiders $$$

8.   4 Wired vials with little Tanzanite, ruby, mixed stones (1/6)
……….garnet Birthday gifthttps://artinmybag.wordpress.com/2012/01/01/first-2-projects-done-from-my-list-of-50-in-202/

9.   Alter oversized night shirt(s) into fitted dress and or skirt %%%

10.   do 4 or 5 panels of a wall art piece for our bedroom

11.   Embroider day of the dead designs on shams I make from a soft black fleece throw for 3 halloween pillows I got new for $.50 each %%% (WIP)

12.   Finish craft train case with clear tape coating  %%%

13.   Make rainbow “t-shirt” scarves and rainbow burnt organza flower hair clips/pins to vend at PRIDE  $$$

14.   Make Rainbow Necklaces with vintage beads for Pride[/u]  $$$%%%

15.   12 paintings of different sizes, subjects and types, using multiple medias

16.   Make wire wrapped skeleton Keys $$$

17.   Make some holiday art pieces  (Valentines wire heart)

18.   TBA

19.   TBA

20.   TBA

21.   TBA

22.   TBA

23.   TBA

24.   Painted and decorated analog clocks from thrift stores for the front room  %%%

25.   Red coffee filter peony wreath with white feather picks for xmas 2012  %%%

26.   Decorated Blank Journal as gift  (1/4)
……….Vintage Nudes fantasy Journalhttps://artinmybag.wordpress.com/2012/01/01/first-2-projects-done-from-my-list-of-50-in-202/

27.   Finish Handfasting Scrapbook

28.   Thrift store T-shirt grocery bags  %%%

29.   Handmade charms for bracelet

30.   Fix melted bead lampshade (reshape)  %%%

31.   Puzzle piece “beaded” curtain

32.   Altered puzzles

33.   Fried marbles

34.   Wire wrap cabochons Dad gave me $$$

35.   Decorate (paint/collage/decoupage) small bookcase  %%%

36.   Liquid body soap from bar soap

37.   Teabag and splenda holder (Altoid tins epoxied together with decoupage?)  %%%

38.   Alter PJ/lounge pants pattern to fit a super-sized man and make him a pair (SOON)

39.   Red crystal necklaces

40.   “stained glass” wax paper/crayon cutouts for back sliding door

41.   Werewolf kids t-shirt pillow as gift  %%%

42.   Complete at least one Craftsters swap

43.   Bleach pen henna design on at least one black t-shirt then dye over dye red

44.   Blue gel glue resist dye light red skirt (poem?) then over dye red

45.   Do some canning (xmas gifts)

46.   Jewelry displays from large old frames for craft sales  %%%

47.    Homemade body lotion and face oil and lip balms also Sugar Scrubs

48.   Wire and paper dragonfly ornament

49.   Blog/document at least half of these projects (2/25) https://artinmybag.wordpress.com/

50.   Try and blog 12 new and different weight loss surgery friendly recipes (1 a month) (1/12)
50a. Cream of Mushroom soup/high protein http://mydsjourney.wordpress.com/2011/12/29/cream-of-mushroom-saucesoup/

Here are a few Bonus projects as well

Leg warmers from sweater arms

My goal for the next five weeks

My goal between now and the end of September is to post on at least one, if not more, of my blogs a day, every day.