Tag Archives: holidays

Mini list of holiday projects

Working on my mini list for Christmas

Window decor (hanging ornaments)
Wreath for the front door for November using my Halloween hair wreath and glittering butterfly
Wreath for Dec made from green coffee filter flowers and ornaments
hand made Christmas cards (possibly small 4×6″ paintings instead)
Rice hot socks with lavender
Pesto from home grown basil
Ornament making salt dough kits for 5 kids
Painting for mom
A garland of bird ornaments for grandma
Christmas journals (journals for listing gifts and cards)
Organizing new art room and art supply storage in garage

ALL SNAKES DAY hair clip

I was playing with sculpy to make little tiles, including some out of a mix of translucent, green and some irridescent pigment powder.  I did them a few weeks ago and had not baked them yet and so when I decided to make a little snake hair clip I simply reshaped two of the small tiles into a snake form and used liquid sculpy to help it have a smooth surface and hold together better.
After baking it I painted a layer of paper glaze on it to enhance the shine and looked through my sample book of faux leather for some little green and dark red pieces for the leaves and flower.
A little E-6000 and a hairclip and time to dry and this is what I came up with.


I got an amazing interior design sample book of faux leather for $5 at a place called Reuse Market that sells art supplies donated from people as well as design studios.  The sample book I got has 50 5×9 pieces of different color and texture faux leather samples and I am careful to only cut out what I need and to tuck any extra back. I really want to get more sample books of fabric and wallpaper.

Wire and bead Valentine decoration

I was given a few hundred 12 inch long wire and bead sprays that had been intended for bouquets and I have been figuring out crafts for them.
Here is my wire “lace” valentine made by twisting the wires together and looking them through each other in the middle.

